Eco Tech: Rolls-Royce to bring back the history of aviation

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EcoFactor: Rollys-Royce to redesign the historic propeller engine for more efficiency and less noise.

The Wright Brothers achieved the maiden flight of human history with a propeller-driven aircraft. The technology stayed there for a few decades, but our quest for speed led us to a new era of turbojet-based aviation. This not only provided speed but also gave silent engines. But all this came at the price of fuel efficiency.

Rolls-Royce is now hoping to bring back the historic days of aviation with a completely new propeller engine, which they say will be silent and energy efficient at the same time. The company is claiming that their new open-rotor engine design will cut airline fuel expenditures by $3 million and the CO2 emissions by 10K Tons per year per aircraft. These new propellers will carry newly designed blades and their number will also be increased too, as to keep the engine quiet.

The Dark Side:

These new propeller engines might just reduce the speed of air travel, which we know will not be liked by many people who don’t have that much time to spare.

Via: EcoGeek/Guardian

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