Eco Tech: PSU researchers claim highest ever breakdown strength for bulk glass


Eco Factor: Flexible glass could store high voltage current for portable power.

Researchers at Penn State University have reported the highest known breakdown strength for bulk glass ever measured. The research determines the amount of energy that could be stored in a material before it starts to conduct electricity. Bulk glass with high breakdown strength can be used a portable storage medium in the energy-deprived world of today.

The research could lead to the development of high energy density storage capacitors that can provide power to more efficient electric vehicles and can also be used in other portable and pulsed power applications. The researchers used etched glass that was placed in a polymer fluid for testing and applied up to 30,000 volts, where the breakdown point was reached. The flexible yet brittle glass can be used in capacitors and batteries that are more powerful and more efficient than other systems in use today.

Via: ScienceDaily

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