Eco Tech: Pensar Indulgence shower makes your bath green

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Eco Factor:
Shower features a mist cycle that reduces water and energy consumption.

Starting the day with a green bath is not at all a bad idea. The new Indulgence shower from Pensar is a brilliant idea to help save energy and water. This new item helps you conserve water that is wasted while bathing. By introducing a mist cycle, water and energy consumption can be lowered up to 56%. In other words, a rinse-mist-rinse sequence is repeated again and again.

In terms of time, this three stage process offers 1 minute rinse, 4 minutes mist, and a 2 minute full rinse. With a feeling that you are saving a big amount of both water and energy, spa time becomes more satisfactory.

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The Dark Side: The idea is beneficial, but the time interval between three stages may irritate impatient people, especially in winter.

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Via: HomeDosh

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