Eco Tech: Mitsubishi develops highly-efficient OPV modules

opv module

Eco Factor: Energy-efficient Organic Photovoltaic modules developed by Mitsubishi.

Mitsubishi Corporation has teamed up with National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and Tokki Corporation to develop new, energy-efficient Organic Photovoltaic modules that can be highly integrated. The research is based on AIST’s technology developed in January 2005, which yielded an OPV capable of achieving 4% efficiency. This new OPV is expected to better the efficiency.

The new module uses laser-scribing technology on a glass substrate, where organic semiconductor elements are deposited on the substrate and then divided into several cells with the laser. This highly integrated module is expected to better the efficiency of the module without having a similar effect on the module’s cost.

Via: GreenCarCongress

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