Eco Tech: MIT researchers plan to tag trash to eliminate waste from the globe


Eco Factor: Sophisticated tagging technology helps track waste.

We often throw out whatever is unwanted, and forget all about it. Since all that trash does actually end up polluting the scarce natural resources, researchers are trying to figure out a means to help reduce waste and prevent it from entering the food chain. Waste can only be eliminated if its location is known, for which researchers at MIT have developed a sophisticated tagging technology that will help a central server monitor trash of all types and recycle it.

Initially 3000 pieces of trash will be tagged in New York, Seattle and London. To prevent further damage, a centralized server will track the location of every package and hence help authorities remove it from the waste chain. The technology is based on a miniature device that functions like a cellphone with limited functionality. Each tag is encased in a protective resin and it continuously broadcasts its location to the central server. The results are then plotted on a map in real time.

The team assures that the addition of the tag would not add to the waste, as it will be eventually removed and perhaps reused along with the trash package. These researchers are envisioning a future where smart tags will help authorities eliminate waste from the world, as everything will be traceable.

Via: BBC

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