Eco Tech: Logan International Airport to get ‘solar trees’

solar trees

Eco Factor: Solar array capable of generating 80,000KWh of electricity annually for Logan International Airport

Logan International Airport, Boston, will soon be generating solar energy enough to power the garage. The system is a part of the $55.7 million project to repair the 35-year-old five-story garage. Other than the solar energy makeover, the garage project will also include installation of energy-efficient lighting systems and a rainwater harvesting system.

Though the complete setup will cost about $3.4 million, it is expected to recoup that cost in subsequent years in terms of energy savings. The installers state that the systems is expected to generate about 84,000KWh of electricity annually, which is about 2.5% of the total requirement of the garage. Coupled with energy saving lamps, the setup will offset about 1,350 metric tons of CO2, lowering the airport’s carbon footprint substantially.

Via: Boston

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