Eco Tech: Inka Sun Curve closed-loop ‘micro-farm’ runs on solar and wind energy

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Eco Gadgets: Solar- and wind-powered vertical farm.

Inka Biospheric Systems has developed a completely integrated, closed loop “micro-farm” that runs on solar and wind energy and can be used to grow grasses, fruits and even vegetables on a vertical “bio-quilt.” Dubbed Inka Sun Curve, the system requires no soil, as seedlings are grown using aquaponic food-growing technology.

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The Sun Curve is equipped with a fish tank that provides all the nutrients that the plants need in the form of fish poop. The energy required for cleaning the tanks and aerating it comes from wind turbines and solar panels. The renewable energy is stored in a battery bank and can also be used to pump water for the vertical farm and charge portable electronic devices as well.

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The bacteria present in the bio-quilt breaks down nutrients and also purifies water so that it can be recycled and returned to the fish tank.

Via: Treehugger

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