Eco Tech: Google Street View on pedal powered off-road trike

google trike

Eco Factor:
Google will collect images on a pedal powered trike.

Even after facing so much controversy for Google Street View, Google has further expanded its service. But this time it has received some support from Visit Britain. Thousands of streets from UK have been added to Google Map Service, for which Google was alleged with claims against UK “Privacy” legislation.

However, this time the same 3D camera system found on Street View cars and vans, has been installed on a trike that will start out mapping off-road areas in Italy and UK. Now, Google can add more landscapes to its service by touring more scenic and environmentally sensitive places without causing slightest of damage.

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This pedal powered trike has Google search logo on it and is ready to collect images which will be later processed and linked properly with each other. Now anyone interested in visiting castles or monuments will be able to take a virtual tour before actually accessing the places. Google trike is presently undergoing some tests after which it’s expected to be launched in UK this summer.

Via: DailyMail

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