Eco Tech: Diver invents underwater WaveRoller to harness wave energy


Eco Factor: Device designed to harness kinetic energy of sea waves and convert it into usable electricity.

Finnish diver Rauno Koivusaari has designed a prototype device that could lead to the development of a system to harness renewable energy from ocean waves in a cost-effective manner. Dubbed WaveRoller, the system is essentially a door-shaped device that can generate up to 300KW of green power.

Funded by the EU, Koivusaari has founded a company called AW-Energy that will build the first full scale demo of the invention. Weighing about 20 tons, the WaveRoller can be connected together in threes to make up nearly a 1MW unit.

The WaveRoller uses roiling currents under the sea to make energy from the repetitive surge motion at the sea floor. The kinetic energy produced is then collected by a piston pump, which is then converted into usable electricity.

Via: CleanTechnica/BlueLivingIdeas

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