Eco Tech: Discover Financial Services develops biodegradable credit cards

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Eco Factor: Biodegradable credit cards fully degrade in five years.

The credit crunch might have rendered several of your credit cards useless. The same is with millions of other people all over the world. Just imagine the amount of plastic that will be thrown in landfills just because of this. Plastic takes thousands of years to degrade and till then it just pollutes natural resources like water and soil.

Discover Financial Services has come up with an innovative solution to protect the planet after you are left with no other option than to throw away your credit cards. The company has developed a biodegradable credit card that they claim is the first of its kind in the United States. The card is made of biodegradable PVC, which allows 99% of the plastic to be safely absorbed within five years when it is exposed to a place where microorganisms are in abundance.

The Dark Side:

The cards surely will degrade much quickly than a conventional plastic credit card. However, during the five years it needs to decompose it still will be somehow similar to all other cards available on the market today.

Via: GoodCleanTech

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