Eco Tech: Conergy builds world’s first thin-film solar tracking system


Eco Factor: Solar Park to generate 419KW of clean electric power.

Denver-based Conergy has developed the world’s first thin-film solar energy tracking system, which is installed at California’s South San Joaquin Irrigation District (SSJID), which is stated to generate about 419KW of electrical power. The system is based on a single-axis solar tracking mechanism, which enhances the efficiency of the park and keeps the cost under control. The utility will save the irrigation state nearly $400,000 a year in utility cost.

Robert O. Schulz Solar Farm, as the new project has been entitled, will provide electricity for the water treatment plant that provides irrigation water for 55,000 acres in the surrounding area. SSJID stated that the solar tracking mechanism will optimize energy output in perennially-dusty and overcast areas and hence will maximize the plant’s output irrespective of the time of the day or the month of the year.

The Dark Side:

Thin film solar energy is already expensive than conventional solar power and the addition of the tracking mechanism will only increase the cost per watt.

Via: PRWeb

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