Eco Tech: Bliss Trek iPhone app lets you get more out of your car

bliss trek

Eco Factor: iPhone application rates driving behavior and gives real-time feedback.

Of the millions of iPhone applications that have been launched till date there have been many for budding environmentalists who want to know their carbon footprint and ways to reduce it. Well, if you’re a driver who wants to increase the mileage of your car simply by altering your driving behavior accordingly, the iPhone app designers won’t let you down. MaxQData has unveiled Bliss Trek, an application which picks up speed and acceleration information in real time, and gives drivers an immediate feedback on the efficiency of their driving.

The information is displayed in the form of points, which are based on efficient driving, smooth acceleration. The better you are the more points you’ll have. The animated interface displays a sunny sky if the driver is doing a great job and a dark cloudy sky if your driving behavior is the reason your car doesn’t perform to expectations. The application can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store for 99 cents.

Via: GoodCleanTech

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