Eco Tech: Bio-inspired solar cells for efficiency at low cost

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Eco Factor: Photovoltaic cells inspired by photosynthesis.

The plant kingdom depends on one of the most efficient technologies of nature for survival. Known as photosynthesis, the process allows plants and trees to generate energy for them using sunlight. The process is so efficient that plants keep the process going on 24 hours a day without any glitches. Australian company Dyesol is ready to clone the process in solar cells that can be efficient and provide energy at a much lower cost.

The company is creating the DSC, or Dye Solar Cell, which is more powerful in a wider range of light and temperature conditions. The material is so flexible that it can be incorporated in a wide range of materials including steel, glass and even fabric. The dye used in the process can be both colored and transparent, so the user will not have to worry about the aesthetics of his/her new home. Dyesol claims that the cells will be far more efficient and cost much less that their silicon-based counterparts, and will not leave the carbon footprint that current solar plants are making.

The Dark Side:

The technology looks promising, but work on the same has just begun. The company acknowledges that the use of DSC in technologies is still a couple of years away.

Via: InventorSpot

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