Eco Tech: Atlantis Resources Corporation’s underwater turbine farm could power a million homes

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Eco Factor: Harnessing the movement of the sea for uninterrupted green power.

Australian energy company Atlantis Resources Corporation has planned to harness the movement of the sea with a new underwater generator, which they claim is the world’s most efficient turbine. The turbine, known as the Solon Turbine, was designed by 28-year-old Dr John Keir. Atlantis believes that 500 Solon turbines can harness the sea movement to provide uninterrupted green power to a million homes.

Atlantis is currently testing the technology in San Remo in Victoria. The company also stated that the Solon turbine works best when submerged more than 40 meters and could generate two megawatts of power. Since water covers about two-thirds of the surface area of our planet, the turbine could do wonders for the modern world.

The Dark Side:

Skeptics such as Scottish Engineer Tony Trapp believe that tidal power is not at all reliable and the numbers quoted by Atlantis could never be achieved.

Via: SydneyMorningHerald

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