Eco Tech: AMP Systems debuts safe, silent and green mobile power generator

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Eco Factor: Solar-powered mobile electricity generator.

Alternative Mobile Power Systems (AMP) has launched a solar-powered mobile electricity generator that can put an end to the deafening noise of diesel generators and can prove its worth for the environment too. The generator is completely dependent on the energy of the sun to provide safe, green and silent electricity for different uses. The company claims that the system will be able to prove its worth in events such as government functions, weddings and other places where mobile power systems are a necessity.

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If you want to keep yourself connected to the world of television even during a camp, the fully customizable system can be configured with a 42-inch LCD TV, satellite TV service and complete audio system too. The system which comes in a trailer is integrated with photovoltaic panels that provided electricity to charge batteries, which in turn can power any system. A typical AMP System is equipped with four Kyocera KC-130 photovoltaic modules that can output 4,400 continuous watts and withstand surges up to 8,800 watts.

The Dark Side:

In an effort to keep the system easy for parking and installation, the solar panels are fixed to the roof of the trailer. This reduces the amount of energy it can harness and also makes the user find a good location where its solar panels can get maximum sun exposure.

Via: Press Release

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