Eco Rides: Albatros – An ecofriendly sand yacht inspired by nature

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Eco Factor: Zero-emission sand yacht powered by wind energy.

Controlling wind using a sail is not difficult if you’re on the open seas. However, following the same maneuver on the surface of the earth is definitely challenging. Industrial designer Julien Misrachi has designed a way you could with a sand yacht vehicle which is green and inspired by birds. Julien states that simply observing birds reveals an incredible control of the winds, which he brought to use in a sand yacht he calls the Albatros.

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The wind-powered ride takes inspiration from the natural aerodynamics of birds and their wings. The sail of the Albatros is shaped like an inverted plane’s wings, which enhances stability without making the ride too slow.

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[Thanks: Julien Misrachi]

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