Eco friendly Parking Area for a green stopover in Toyko

eco parking cYkH7 5784 Just today morning I came across a well written article by a ecologist, citing the need for privatization of environment to get substantial changes. And here I come across this green news of Eco Parking Area, a result of recently privatized Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd. of Japan. This group operates the toll roads in the greater Tokyo metropolitan area, and provides “parking areas”, similar to rest stops in the US but allowing you to leave your car and navigate the city by other means, around important on and off ramps in twenty locations. However it has come under green limelight with its recently refurbished eco-friendly Yoyogi parking area. Focussign on renewable energy and energy conservation, this kinda eco- favorable attempt is needed in every urban city of our globe. Solar and wind power systems render cell phone charging among other facilities. eco parking wall SDCoQ 5784 Even the vending machines are heat pump based and non-chlorofluorocarbon. The entrance to the parking area has Matsushita (Panasonic) Ecology Systems’ “Kaze Kamome” (Wind Seagull) hybrid wind and solar tower system, with a 30-watt vertical “Savonius” wind turbine topped by two 84-watt solar panels, making it cool looking eco monument in addition to the power generation. To conserve energy the free rest lounge uses low emissivity (Low-E) glass which keeps heat in during the winter and out in the summer, and non heat retaining insulated pavement is used in the parking lot. While water conservation is taken care of by automatic adjusting urinals that use limited water required to do the needful. eco parking 2 6ESTO 5784 Even the food and refreshments served there are eco-friendly. In all the whole set up is a green treat even to the eyes with all the green flora splattered over the walls, roof and verandah. Via Treehugger

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