Eco Marine Power designs all new and green Tonbo Solar concept boat

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Exclusively conceived by Eco Marine Power, this electric powered boat utilizes the very latest in solar technology. Tonbo is the Japanese name for Dragonfly, and it was aptly chosen to signify the solar panels of the boat jutting out uniquely in a wing like manner.

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The main streamlined body is composed of bulbous glass, defined by irregular frames. And mounted atop the body on the rooftop is an array of solar panels. The solar panels can be lowered and maneuvered so that the boat can conveniently pass through low bridges. Moreover, they can also be configured so as to capture the optimum level of solar energy. This would allow a much greener as well as cost effective alternative to sailing.

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But most importantly, the boat will utilize the Solar-Electric Hybrid Marine Power (HMP) technology. The electric motors will drive the propulsion units, while on board electricity will be provided by an integrated system of generators, batteries and solar modules. Moreover, an advanced charging system will significantly reduce the required time for the boat to be juiced up.

Image Source: All images are courtesy of EcoMarinePower

Source: EcoMarinePower

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