Eco Interiors: Tintean – Heat your home without heating the environment

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Eco Factor: Energy-efficient fireplace.

With the growing concern about carbon footprints and the increase in fuel prices, home owners need to think about ways in which they can save some money without swelling their carbon footprint this winter. Peter Rigney has designed an amazing wood burning fireplace, which he hopes is just perfect for all eco home owners.

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Tintean not only heats your home but is connected to the domestic heating system. As the fire burns, it heats water running through the grate for domestic use. This water circulates around the reconstituted stone, which has been developed with a high heat capacity which absorbs heat and releases it into the room even after the fire has died out. The chimney used has been made from a similar stone that extracts heat from the heated gases as smoke goes up the chimney. This enable the fireplace to work as a stone radiator long after the fire has died out.

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The fireplace is supposed to work with dried wood, which means you would be able to use discarded wood or wood waste for heating your home. Wood not only is an efficient fuel, but it is carbon neutral too, which means your carbon footprint would be kept under control with this efficient fireplace.

The Dark Side:

The fireplace though highly efficient, will still produce smoke. Although if the fireplace is used in an efficient way it could lower your electricity bill and prove to be less harmful for the environment.

Via: Peter Rigney

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