Eco Gadgets: Physically-powered wooden charger could test your muscles

wooden cellphone charger

Eco Factor: DIY wooden human-powered charger.

If all those solar-powered gadget chargers are too expensive for you and you can’t wait for piezoelectric chargers to go into production, then do check out this wooden charger that uses more than a couple of joules of human energy for a cellphone and PMP recharge. Built by some folks in the Russian military, the charger is made from wood and needs some soldiers to pull the pulley connected to the generator for a juiced-up battery, not the most human-friendly way to charge it, but nonetheless it actually is a green way.

The Dark Side:

The overall size of the charger and the effort a fully-charged battery would need makes it feasible only for the soldiers patrolling areas where terrorists are least expected.

Via: GearFuse

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