Eco Gadgets: Pedal-a-watt and burn your calories for power

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Eco Factor: Electricity generating exercise bike.

Pedal-a-watt is an innovative machine that converts your old bike into a stationary bike that saves you from the trouble of riding a bike to cut down your weight on a highway clogged with cars and trucks. Apart from making you slim, the bike generates electricity as you pedal your way to a perfect body. As the user pedals the bike’s rear wheel, it spins a generator, which consists of a spinning magnet within a coil, generating electricity that can be used directly or stored in a battery pack for future use.

The Dark Side:

The generator can be used for fun but not as a standalone device to power electronics. Moreover, such generators don’t produce enough power on which you can run appliances like your TV or PC.

Via: Re-nest

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