Eco Gadgets: O2 air purifier accelerates photosynthesis for more oxygen

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Eco Factor: Concept air purifier works by enhancing plants’ ability to sequester carbon for more oxygen.

Taking cues from natural systems, researchers and scientists are proposing to build forests of artificial trees that can help slow down the effects of global warming. The plans do seem great for places where trees aren’t as common as they should be. The plans also prove that the natural way is the best way out of the global warming threat. Industrial designer Tian Lingrui is trying to improve the power of natural systems at a much smaller scale.

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The ingenious designer has come up with a conceptual air purifier that works on the same principle as plants to purify air. The system, dubbed O2, requires the user to place a normal plant pot on the system’s tray, where it accelerates the process of photosynthesis and hence increases the amount of sequestered CO2 for more oxygen. In addition to cleaning up the air around, the system also keeps tabs on our green friends and letting the user know when they’re out of water.

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Via: YankoDesign/Coroflot

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