Eco Gadgets: Mini Hydro Turbine – A long shower for a recharged cellphone battery

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Eco Factor: Device to convert water pressure into electricity.

Hundreds of gallons of water are used in every urban home of today. No matter if you use it for cleaning, gardening, washing or simply for a relaxing shower, eventually most of that water goes down the drain. Jin Woohan has thought of an ingenious way to power your gadgets with nothing other than water flowing through the taps.

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Jin has designed a device, which he calls the Mini Hydro Turbine. Similar to its name, the device is a mini water turbine that uses water pressure to power up a turbine, which eventually generates enough electricity for you to power your cellphones or other portable electronic gear with. The electricity generated can either be used directly by connecting the turbine to a wall outlet or can be used to charge batteries for future use.

The Dark Side:

The designer makes no statement on how much electricity can actually be generated with such a machine. But even if it generates enough electricity to power a PMP, it will definitely get our thumbs-up.

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