Eco Gadgets: Grow plants without soil with Ponic-Home

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Eco Factor: Hydroponic planter encourages homeowners to grow plants.

Plants not only generate oxygen, but they also contribute towards a peaceful ambience. Growing plants till now required homeowners to tackle the mess of plant soil, but now things have changed and the latest in plant technology allows you to grow plants in a nutrient-enriched water solution. Endrit Hajno has brought out one such planter called the Ponic-Home that allows you to grow plants easily and without any soil mess in your living room. All the user has to do is to make sure that the plant never runs out of water or nutrients.

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The Dark Side:

Hydroponics does ensure mess-free planting, but the growers need to have to correct knowledge to maintain the optimum amount of nutrients in the water. Moreover, since each plant in a hydroponic system shares the same nutrients and water, diseases and pests can easily affect all the plants.

Via: EndritHajno

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