Eco Gadgets: EcoDrain captures waste heat from your hot water shower


Eco Factor: Heat exchanger reuses heat energy from waste water for your next shower.

An average home consumes more energy in heating water than any other use. While we all will continue to love a hot shower after a hectic day at the office, the EcoDrain will make sure that hot water doesn’t go down the drain without any reuse. No, the device doesn’t make you bathe in used water but makes sure that the energy needed to heat water for subsequent showers doesn’t cost that much.

The system captures water before it goes down the drain and uses its energy to heat up your incoming shower water. This reuse saves energy and hence money. The designers of the system believe that the system can potentially save millions of dollars each year, which we waste by sending our hot water down the drains.

The Dark Side:

Water won’t be as hot when it goes down the drain as most of its energy would already be lost. We don’t think that capturing this waste water for heat exchange will result in any major energy saving.

Via: RedFerret

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