Eco Gadgets: Coin-sized generator harnesses vibration, powers itself

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Eco Factor: Vibration-powered sensors to detect road problems.

Omron has developed a compact generator that can harness vibration and convert it into electricity. The generator is based on an “electret power generation system,” which generates power whenever the generator’s electrodes are subjected to motion and vibration. For now the prototype is just able to produce 10μW of electric power from 20Hz frequency and 1 G acceleration.

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This might not sound like something we will see in our cellphones, but it is just enough to power small sensors mounted on the device, which could be installed on highways to detect road problems. The company has stated that once mass produced generators could be made they would be available for just $10.36.

The Dark Side:

The output of the generator needs to be enhanced many times for their valuable use in electronic industry and portable devices.

Via: GoodCleanTech/Techon

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