Eco Gadgets: Bluair Airpod air purifier consumes less energy than a light bulb

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Eco Factor: Energy-efficient air purifier made from recyclable materials.

With the increase in indoor pollutants, the need for an air purifier also rises. While most air purifiers do well in keeping your home free from pollutants and make it fit to breathe, they do have an impact on your electricity bills as well. The Bluair Airpod air purifier is different, not only due to its small size, but due to its energy efficiency as well.

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The designers believe that the device can function without consuming more energy than a normal light bulb. The system uses the filter as its main component and uses 60% less material than other filters available on the market today.

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The product is stripped down to just the basic components – the filter and a docking station. The system carries a patented HEPA silent filter and the docking station houses a fan that revolves so silently to even make you wonder whether the device is turned on or not.

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