Eco Gadget: EasyBloom – An ingenious plug-in plant sensor!

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EcoFactor: A gadget that monitors plant growth.

EasyBloom is a nifty in-ground detector that gives readings for all kinds of plants by scrutinizing growing conditions like sunlight, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and drainage inside your home or garden. Plug it into your computer and watch how it turns readings into recommendations, listing plants that are sure to flourish in your exact environment. These systems will be available in the market by the end of this month and is a perfect gifting item for a neophyte or an experienced gardener.

The Dark Side:

This gadget detects the regular gardening blunders and gives pointers on improving the condition of various plants. I am quite surprised that something with so much potential is a new ingress in the market. The fact that the gadget is completely reusable and works with both, a PC and MAC makes the gadget very enticing to me!

Via: Buyzillion

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