Eco-friendly ways to fight summer heat

summer heat

With the arrival of summer, all of us prefer to sit in front of airconditioner. But, it has various disadvantages. For Instance, it is not only bad for health but also for wealth. You can make things around more comfortable and relaxing. Here are a few friendly tips for a happy abode.

While looking for your dream home, check out cross breezing. Always try to keep your freezer house full with water bottles so that the water inside these bottles freezes. This ice water will effectively offer respite from scorching heat. Moreover, it is always beneficial to be hydrated. Ice tea is another great way of getting yourself relaxed.

Nowadays, most of us have barbeques. It would be advisable to cook there. Dressing also plays key role in protection from heat, such as go for sun glasses and hat. Light colors are ideal for keeping yourself cool.

During hot weather, we often feel tired. To avoid this, keep washing your feet with cold water. Carry sprayer and keep it running through your hair. It is also a common notion to sleep in a wet pillow case.


Via: supernaturale

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