Toys and kids are inseparable. That’s the reason why toy manufacturing companies are key market players. But do you think that video games and toys we get home for kids from the market are eco-friendly? A rhetoric question! A good news for all the people who wish to switch to eco-friendly goods, including toys. A person have come out with a portable-gaming system that is absolutely eco-friendly.
Designed by Albert Llort, AEMU Ecotoy needs no electricity, no wiring and no special set up. Besides being completely eco-friendly, the gaming system ensures to provide education to the kid and develop the psyche.
As mentioned above, it needs no electricity. It depends on solar and wind energy. The best part of the game is that is portable. The toy can be dismantled when not used and the back portion of AEMU Ecotoy acts like a bag with loops on either side of the back. Further, wheels have been fixed at the back bottom of the toy. One can easily hold it at his back or can drag AEMU Ecotoy wherever he goes.
There are solar panels and wind turbine driven generator fixed in AEMU Ecotoy that generate the energy. The designer never compromised on the style of the gaming system despite his special attention on eco-friendly thing. There’s a digital screen on the toy, which is wide enough and acts like a computer monitor. However, there has been a mixed response to the idea. Kids definitely find this awesome but adults seemed to have not welcomed the idea.
No company has so far come forward to adopt this idea. But it looks like the product will definitely attract the kids if given wider publicity. Kids are sure to tilt towards this AEMU Ecotoy. A parent, on the other hand, will not pause and ponder to purchase AEMU Ecotoy as the eco-friendly term itself appeals any common man who wishes to save the environment.
The product being a child’s luggage, the price will also be somewhat big. All in all it’s a new concept in the gaming world and hope it would keep hitting the headlines.
Source: Yanko Design