Eco friendly Jewelry: Accessorize with electronics!

recycled electronics jewelry

If you have a girl friend, who is crazy about technology & immerses herself into electronic stuff, then we have the perfect gift for you (& I pity you for the misery you are suffering). Here is probably the wackiest idea I have come across in the past week & trust me I have seen enough wackiness around. This idea is both interesting & very, very annoying. Interesting as it seems to be a unique way to help out the ecology, but annoying because I have always been involved with electronics & I never thought of anything like this. For better part of 3 years in my life I have spent around in an electronics lab, playing around with circuit boards & generally blowing up things with unnecessary voltage inputs to create havoc. But this is a lesson my electronics professors seem to have not taught.

Here is a great way of initiating girls in to electronics class I suppose. People have come up with this insane idea of making accessories for girls using hardware components. You name it; these people have it. Resistors, capacitors, whole circuit boards! All crafted into Jewelry which suits the modern girl. (Really, this is the height of being modern). The up-side of this great innovation is that it helps the plastic that should be in a dump for 500 years, hang out close to your cheek or take rest on your shoulder. So congratulations folks, you now are proud owners of a piece of what should have been trash!

ultra modern jewelry for girls

Seriously though, the creators believe that this would reduce plastic dump. (To what extent, baffles me) How comfortable are they to wear? Don’t ask me, I’m not using them. I really had to have my hand cut with the edges of circuit boards at times, so I hope these are not like that. There are other products like liquid-powered clock that works on any liquid you pour into it. They say you can use even coffee & beer; but I’ll save the coffee for myself for myself & use tap water. (Yes, I’m cheap). But if you are a girl working in a firm that is filled with cabins & let’s you sleep in front of your system on pretext of your work, then this might be “the fashion statement to make. (Listening Ramya, buy one; readers don’t worry, it’s for my fashion conscious buddy). I bet all you girls want a sample of what they look like, so here we go. Enjoy.


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