Eco-friendly Fire extinguisher awaits approval

fire extinguisherEco-friendly design for fire-extinguishing system! Yes, that is what an Airbus-led team of European companies are expecting to be cleared before the decade ends. It is meant for use on airliners, Max Kingsley-Jones writes.

But, how is it different from other existing fire-extinguishing? The existing systems use halon as their extinguishing agent – even though the 1994 Montreal protocol banned both its production and use. Halon is responsible for sharing credits in depleting the ozone layer, as it is also a great contributor to producing greenhouse gases.

But the Airbus-led team has developed and used a new environmental friendly agent. Successfully tested last year, this new extinguisher is designed and manufactured by Siemens SAS. The US Federal Aviation Administration will expectedly declare the final results by July. And if satisfactory, the new extinguisher system could be in service by 2008-9, Siemens says.

Via: flight global

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