Eco friendly Dell PC dwells in a bamboo shell

dell1 5784 Technology and eco-friendly don’t really gel in a good way always. But when earnest efforts and innovative skills are put in, you can get an exceptional outcome of their marriage. Such is the case of this Bamboo encased eco-inspired computer from Dell. Unveiling this green PC at the Fortune’s Brainstorm:Green conference, the CEO of Dell said that the computer is 81 percent smaller than a standard desktop, uses 70 percent less power and is filled with recycled materials like old bottles, milk jugs and detergent cases. The last part of it is making me scratch my head…..I mean is it really going to contain all those discarded bottle and cases? Then I better save them up…may be they come up with some scheme of buying back that discarded junk and getting some discount on the price of this eco-friendly computer! How typical of me to think that! Although they still have to christen this bamboo baby yet, the word is that it will cost about $500 to $700. dell3 5784 Via Engadget/Earth2Tech

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