Eco-friendly computers may soon be made from carbon dioxide!

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Here is yet another innovation or call it invention to answer the plastic-waste mess. Yes, you got it right – its biodegradable, environment-friendly plastic, though it is no bio-plastic.

But, what made it hit the headlines is what it is made from. No, the new plastic is not made from any plant material but, by using carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gases! These common gases are thus, no longer just a component for the fire extinguisher, although they are surely unusual in usage when it comes to plastic production.

Hats off to Novomer — a Cornell University spin-off — for devising the new method of producing biodegradable plastics from these common gases. To commercialize this technology, Novomer needs $6.6 million, funded by Physic Ventures and Flagship Ventures.

The polymer research of Novomer’s technology was led by Geoffrey Coates, a professor at Cornell University and chief science officer at the startup. In a statement, he said,

Unlike other biodegradable plastics coming to market that are based on edible feedstocks and complex fermentation, we are using building blocks that are readily available and highly manageable. In particular, Novomer’s use of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide as inexpensive feedstocks, rather than the use of valuable food resources, sets us apart from the competition.

The plastic will be made by mixing a liquid metal with carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide at low pressure. It will contain about 50 percent of carbon dioxide by weight.

The CO and CO2-made plastics once successfully made could be applied in various fields be it supermarket packaging, computer cases, plastic bottles or foam to insulate buildings. Ah! It seems to be all about painting your world ‘green’!


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