Eco-Fest: Adding a clean green tinge to your outdoor bash!

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Here is something that is a real boon to the planet if coupled with common sense, some basic understanding of the way things work around us and some respect for the beauty and tranquility of natures amazing sites and sounds. There are many who visit the beaches, go on trekking trips and just go out camping in the woods and come back leaving a pile of absolute nonsense. It is no surprise that tons of trash is floating around the earth today as we even trashed the cosmos during all our exploration trips. Now I won’t ask you to clean up the cosmos but you can surely take better care of the planet by not wrecking the places you visit.

Eco-Fest is a mobile recycling system that places design at the service of the environment. This project aims to increase awareness of recycling at outdoor events such as festivals. Through its aesthetic and functional approach, the goal of this project is to foster the act of recycling among users, and the collection of recyclable materials by the event organizers. Overall, this project seeks to show that design and the environment go hand in hand. This is wonderful work by the creator Guillaume Labelle who not only seems to understand and appreciate the beauty and magic of nature but has developed a simple and effective solution to the problem.
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As stated earlier, the whole issue of keeping the beaches and the mountains clean is not going to be solved by one gadget or one law. Beyond everything else it needs individuals who take full responsibility of their actions and will act in the best interest of the planet even without any forceful supervision. Eco-Fest though helps in the process quite a bit and I must add that this is one designer whose presentation of his creation (I mean in words) seems as good as his work and that is a bit of rarity indeed!

Via: Gradient

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