Eco Energy: Mushroom enzyme could be the key to a world with clean fuel cells

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EcoFactor: A new enzyme extracted from specific mushrooms could act as an essential catalyst in fuel cells and hence reduce the use of heavy metals in the future.

Batteries and cells of any kind are an inevitable source of toxic waste. While we all know that batteries end up creating their fair share of problems for the planet, we are almost addicted to their usage. Modern life runs on batteries, and with the number of electronic gadgets going up each day, it would be hard to limit this trend. Heavy metals used in fuel cells are also equal culprits when it comes to causing pollution. But scientists at Oxford University have uncovered a new variety of mushrooms whose enzyme could be used instead of heavy metals like platinum in fuel cells of the future.

Laccase, the mushroom enzyme, is found to have the same catalytic effect in fuel cells as platinum has. The prototype laccase fuel cell that is being designed will produce 400 milliamps for 2,500 hours. This might be just sufficient to charge up your music player. The scientists involved in the project believe that in the future they can make commercial fuel cells that are far bigger and more useful.

The Dark Side:

This new enzyme would not make batteries and fuel cells completely safe for the planet. It will only decrease their toxicity. Hopefully, the technology will translate into something that can make batteries completely eco-friendly some day.

Via: Cleantechnica

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