Eco Delight: 10 solar-powered concept cars that ask for attention

solar mercedes benz formula zero JTbGW 69

Solar energy is one of the most impressive and easily available sources of green energy that has the potential to power everything from the PMPs we carry to the cars we drive. Toyota has already started exploring the potential of solar energy by announcing that it will use solar panels in its next-generation Prius hybrid car. While this car would just use the energy to run the car’s AC, some designers have shown the way cars could completely be powered by the energy falling from the sun. Check out ten such concepts one of which might just be your ride into the future.

Helios solar-powered car can also power your house:

solar helios1 xLJVJ 69

Peugeot OMNI gets solar panels and “Omni-wheels”:

solar omni fP3Hu 69

EVE car generates electricity from friction and solar panels:

solar eve noCpH 69

Felidae provides comfortable solar-powered hauling:

solar felidae 8qB56 69

Seat Birsa solar-powered sports car for two:

solar birsa K9xzT 69

Volvo’s solar-powered car for 2015 Dakar Rally:

solar volvo YgNVt 69

Shoo a solar-powered wonder on wheels:

solar shoo hNCi2 69

Formula Zero by Mercedes shows the future of motorsports:

solar mercedes R6Ncd 69

Town Car intends to take you to office on solar power:

solar towncar LocBM 69

VW VAN shows a cube running on solar-power:

solar vw a6l87 69

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