Eco Cars: Relay – electric car promises green future

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Eco Factor: A zero emission vehicle, driven by an electric engine.

Nobody can predict the future. However, one thing is for sure, if in the future we do not want to travel to the office with an oxygen mask fitted on our mouth, then we will have to resort to technologies that offer a clean and bright environment without impeding on our fast-paced lives. Keeping up to the promise of a green future, Tristan Hipps has come up with a concept urban delivery vehicle called the Relay, that is designed for maximum transport efficiency.

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The zero emission vehicle is powered by four direct drive electric motors. The electricity is provided by one large 48 volt battery and a smaller 24 volt one that serves as a reserve power source, in case the main battery runs out of juice. The batteries recharge by converting the forward motion back into electric power, when under deceleration. The designer’s estimate is that the concept will get you going at a maximum speed of 40mph.

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The Dark Side:

Undoubtedly, the Relay has most of the qualities that can take us to a green future, but people accustomed to cars that they can literally fly at more than 200mph, Relay’s 40mph will surely see some depressed faces.

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[Thanks: Tristan Hipps]

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