Eco Cars: Nature-inspired BMW Lovos concept car gets powered by solar energy

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Eco Factor: Concept car designed to run on electric engine fueled by solar power.

Pforzheim University graduate Anne Forschner is one auto designer who believes that cars of the future need to harness renewable energy and convert it into usable fuel for a zero-emission ride. Anne has come up with a concept car, designed in collaboration with BMW, that mimics natural forms to harness solar energy.

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Dubbed Lovos (Lifestyle of Voluntary Simplicity), the car is constructed from just one fully exchangeable part that recurs 260 times. Each of these pieces is covered in solar photovoltaic cells, which can be opened or closed just like fish scales.

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These scales operate as airbrakes and move along with the sun to harness the maximum possible energy. In addition to the scales on the body, 12 scales are incorporated in each wheel. As soon as the car begins to move, they change their position to move into the wheel just like turbines.

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Via: AutoBlogGreen/CarDesign

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