Eco Cars: Home-built trike runs for 20 miles on electricity

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Eco Factor: Zero-emission NEV powered by electricity.

Who says you have to spend thousands of dollars or probably even more to be a proud owner of a green electric vehicle, if you have an inventor’s mind on your shoulders just like Minh Duong has. The inventor has built a three-wheeled electric car named Xe Điện, which actually means an “electric car” in Vietnamese. As expected the vehicle is just a neighborhood electric vehicle as of today, with a range of just 20 miles, but with a few minor changes the car can cruise at a top speed of 40mph, making it a full EV.

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The car is powered by a 7.1KWh battery pack that propels its rear wheel. With two wheels in the front under a fiberglass fairing, and a single, motorcycle style driving rear wheel, the car is just right for daily trips to the supermarket. The rear wheel is powered by a high performance AC induction motor through a motorcycle chain. The 35hp power from the electric motor can make the car accelerate from 0-60mph in just 10 seconds.

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Via: CleanCarTalk

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