Eco Cars: Dacia Shift – A hydrogen-powered roadster with a transparent roof

dacia shift

Eco Factor: Concept car designed to run on hydrogen.

Car designers have always remained fascinated by the abundance of hydrogen in the universe and its ability to be used as a zero-emission fuel. However, the lack of infrastructure and the problems associated with hydrogen storage have pulled things down. With technology destined to advance beyond all bounds, hydrogen does seem a feasible power source for smarter cars of the future. Designer Liviu Tudoran is making use of the green characteristics of hydrogen in a car he calls the Dacia Shift.

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The car is inspired by the Dacia Duster concept and was specially designed keeping the needs of the young Bucharest residents in mind. With a transparent and removable roof, the two-seater roadster makes you feel close to nature at all times. The hydrogen-powered concept also makes sure that your ride doesn’t get clumsy in a bid to go green.

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Via: Tuvie

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