Eco Boats: Going zero emissions on water in the Mochi Craft Long Range 23

zero emissions long range 23

Eco Factor: First zero emissions boat equipped with hybrid propulsion system.

Green heads of innovation have been scratching their wit, making water crafts to shed the least emissions. And with the Mochi Craft Long Range 23, Ferretti Group’s AYT (Advanced Yacht Technology) in collaboration with Studio Zuccon International Project, have actually achieved the pinnacle. The only boat in the world with RINA “Green Star Clean Energy and Clean Propulsion” certification, the zero emissions boat this, has affirmed itself as one by bagging the “Trophée de l’Innovation 2009“ and “Best Layout 2009” at the prestigious Festival International de la Plaisance.

mochi craft long range 23

Critics may have it their way, but the boat can be reckoned as the best green creation for the waters, courtesy the “Zero Emission Mode” Hybrid Propulsion System and the new trans-planning Fer.WEY (Ferretti Wave Efficient Yacht) hull that it features. Merging environmentally friendly technology with an elegant layout, the Long Range 23 actually lives the trustworthiness of the traditional diesel in it hybrid propulsion system.

Here the motors are powered by a pack of Lithium ion batteries while a couple of 70 kW synchronous electric motors are applied with the reduction gears in series to the propeller shaft, giving the boat its needed share of the green propulsion. But boy isn’t this sweet, clean beast actually hungry.

Via: Marine Business News

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