Eco Arts: Give Plastic the Boot

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Eco Factor: Structures created from recycled plastic bottles encourage youth to kick single use plastic water bottles.

Drinking bottled water might keep you in good shape, but the millions of water bottles discarded every day in landfills are spoiling the shape of the environment. To encourage people to stop using plastic water bottles, American eco-artist Tim Gaudreau has created a monster shoe out of 3000 plastic bottles hot glued together. While the water bottles make the sole and the body of the shoe, 300 old plastic bags were woven in the shoelace.

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The art was a part of the “Give Plastic the Boot” campaign to strongly advocate recycling and reducing use of single use bottles. The designer hopes to display the shoe on college campuses to encourage youth to use tap water.

The Dark Side:

Once the shoe has been exhibited in various places, keeping it intact would be hard for the eco-artist. Sooner or later the bottles and the plastic bags will eventually reach the nearest landfill and this time in more concentration.

Via: GreenMuze

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