Eco Arts: Artist brings back the lost city of Atlantis with used plastic bottles

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Eco Factor: A city designed with used plastic bottles.

Plato in 360 BC described a city named Atlantis, whose beauty was beyond any comparison. Mythologized for its abundance of striking temples and stunning vegetation, the city was supposed to be buried under the sea following a catastrophic earthquake. An artist named Gayle Chong Kwan has now brought back the city in old plastic bottles.

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Gayle’s Atlantis is commissioned by Arts Co. and is on display in an exhibition that is currently being held in London. The city has been carved out of semi-opaque used plastic food packaging, collected from the people of London. The artwork questions notions of waste, climate change and how this is changing our planet’s climate.

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The Dark Side:

We appreciate the efforts put in by the designer in designing an entire city from city waste. However, once the exhibition gets over, the city’s recycled bricks will again return into what they actually were – junk plastic. If Arts Co. and Gayle Chong Kwan don’t wish to preserve the architecture after the exhibition is over, they will have to make sure that the plastic used is properly recycled.

Via: Dezeen/Arts-Co

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