Eco Art : Ecoboard concept – Eco friendly fun time with tides

ecoboard k4DAt 5638 Eco Factor: Surfboard made up of polystyrene from recycled coffee cups and packages. Being soft on the environment even while you are having fun is appreciable. When you buy any sports good, at least, the preference can be secured for eco-friendly materials. One example is this environmentally friendly surfboard concept by 2Imagine. Though made of polystyrene from recycled coffee cups and packages, still it doesn’t compromise on any functional quality. Rather, it’s more durable as compared to standard EPS-cores and provide you better flexibility and protection against any damages. Its bamboo lamination makes it less prone to scratches and holes.

ecoboard 2 2b9fL 5638 The Dark Side: There is nothing to criticize except the fact that recycling itself involves heating to mold material. However, that can be ignored when the outcome is eco-friendly with such a good quality. Via: BeSportie

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