Eco Architecture: Zwarts & Jansma unveil Kharadi neighborhood masterplan for Pune

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Eco Factor: Mixed-use development to harvest rainwater and solar energy.

Dutch architecture firm Zwarts & Jansma has unveiled the masterplan for the new Kharadi neighborhood to be developed in Pune, one of the largest cities in India, with a population of over 5 million. The development will provide space for shops, apartments, offices and leisure facilities.

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Covering an area of about six hectares, the new neighborhood will be divided into different plots providing space for leisure facilities, residences and small offices and shops. The architecture takes advantage of the climatic conditions of Pune to harvest solar energy and rainwater. Canopies will be constructed to protect inhabitants from sun and rain and also act as a buffer for rainwater. Moreover, green roofs will also be constructed to prevent water runoff and regulate temperatures naturally.

Via: WorldArchitectureNews

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