Eco Architecture: University of Windsor’s CEI will be the largest LEED-certified building

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Eco Factor: Sustainable building for University of Windsor’s Centre for Engineering Innovation.

The engineering students at the University of Windsor will soon be studying in a new building, which along with many sustainable features will be the largest Gold LEED-Certified building in the region. To be designed by Toronto’s B+H Architects, the 300,000-square-foot green building will focus on research and development. The first phase of the building will include an industrial courtyard and laboratories and the other will include classrooms and offices.

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Designed to keep the students close to nature, the building will feature various green features which will make the design earn the prestigious certification. The new CEI building will have a green roof, water recycling and rainwater harvesting systems, low-energy heating systems and will be made from recycled materials wherever possible. Other than the environment aspects, the construction will also generate an estimated 1,600 jobs over a three-year period. Construction is expected to get underway in November with the first phase scheduled to be completed by March 2011 and the second phase by summer 2012.

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