Eco Architecture: Sun Wall will produce 200 kw of energy

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Eco Factor:
Wall will harness solar energy to generate electricity.

The AIA-sponsored and funded photovoltaic “Sun Wall” project at the Department of Energy’s Washington, DC, headquarters would generate 200 kW of electricity and would be the largest building-integrated solar energy system on any federal building in the U.S. The design also includes a solar thermal installation for hot water along with PV panels.

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It was one of the winning designs of “sun wall” competition that was organized in order to show how elements of current technology can can be added to increase the sustainability of buildings. The project was created by SCB in partnership with ARUP New York.

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The Dark Side: The area required for the construction of such a huge structure and the cost is not defined. Therefore, nothing can be said about that. Furthermore, the possibility to include other sources to harness natural energy is still there.

Via: SCB

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