Eco Architecture: South Korea to have a sustainable super city in 15 years

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Eco Factor: Sustainable city to be developed by Fosters + Partners.

Following in the footsteps of Masdar City, a sustainable city to be developed in the UAE, Fosters + Partners have unveiled plans for a sustainable super city that will overshadow the size of Masdar in UAE. Dubbed Incheon, the development will serve as an epicenter for the development of green technologies in South Korea.

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The development will be house to over 320,000 residents that will be centered around a spine of transportation and green industry. The city will also become a research and development center for next-generation green technologies. The city is slated to be completed in the next 10-15 years.

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Presently the area is predominantly agricultural and supports a community of about 35,000 people. The development will have green roofs, which will minimize the loss of agricultural space. All buildings will be kept under 50m in height and will feature cutting-edge green technologies such as biomass energy generation, hydrogen fuel cells and hydroponic roofs.

Via: Inhabitat

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