Eco Architecture: Recycled pavilion to premier Walt Disney’s eco friendly cartoon movie

plastic pavilion1 X2iYr 69 Eco Factor: Walt-Disney’s ecofriendly movie Trilli to premier in a pavilion made from recycled plastic. Children try to imitate whatever they see happening around them. Walt Disney knows this and has made an ecofriendly movie called Trilli to encourage children to respect the environment. What’s more, the movie will be premiered in a pavilion that has been made from recycled materials. plastic pavilion2 EXfBi 69 Designed by Milan-based designer Riccardo Giovanetti, the pavilion’s purpose is to explore the qualities of plastic and other recyclables for children. The pavilion is made from white plastic discs connected together in a bubble-like architecture. The structure has been commissioned by the Italian Institute of Plastic Recycled, and this eco pavilion is scheduled to travel across different cities of Italy to raise environmental awareness. plastic pavilion3 9f1qg 69 The Dark Side: For now the pavilion looks fantastic, but once the pavilion has done what it is expected to do, it too will be a heap of plastic that would again need recycling. Via: DesignBoom

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